Are you interested in becoming more involved with IASPA? Consider joining a committee! Below is the list of current IASPA Committees and a brief description of their primary focuses. If you are interested joining any committee, please click the Committee Involvement Form button below.
Click Here for Committee Involvement Form
Chair: Josh Chambers
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Set the annual Social Media calendar
- Re-tweet, re-post IASPA & AASPA content
- Create content for IASPA social media outlets
Meeting Frequency: Quarterly meetings
Constitution, Bylaws, & Governmental Relations
Chair: TBD
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Meet to identity and discuss legislative changes and potential impact
- Create a quarterly update to the Board and IASPA membership
- Annually review the IASPA Constitution & Bylaws for recommended changes
- Annually review the IASPA Legislative Priorities for recommended changes
Meeting Frequency: 3-4 virtual meetings throughout school year; no summer meetings
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Chair: Natacia Campbell-Tominov
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Review the work/goals of other states’ EDI Committees
- Collect viable EDI plans/frameworks from Illinois school districts
- Develop an EDI outreach program
- Create an EDI resource library
Meeting Frequency: Quarterly meetings (Starting in September)
Chair: Jeff Knapp
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Create a curriculum for training qualified mentors
- Recommend criteria for mentor eligibility
- Recommend criteria for mentee eligibility
- Create a curriculum for mentors to utilize with mentees
Meeting Frequency: Monthly meetings August - January; quarterly after that
Chair: Ed Piotrowski
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Create a rubric to determine eligibility for Board positions
- Solicit candidates for Board positions
- Review & recommend changes to eligibility process
- Consider the use of digital interviews
- Consider requiring letters of recommendation
Meeting Frequency: 3-4 virtual meetings annually between August and December
***To ensure that there is no conflict of interest, the Nominations Committee is comprised of Past-Presidents and Retired Members. There is no option to volunteer for this committee.***
Chair: Angelica Romano
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Solicit nominees for IASPA awards
- Seek to diversity the nomination pool for IASPA awards (both personal characteristics & geographic area represented)
- Contact potential sources of nominations (other state associations, law firms, etc.)
- Review and make recommendations re: changes to award rubrics
- Review nominations for eligibility and to determine award winners
Meeting Frequency: 3-4 virtual meetings annually between September and December, approximately one hour of independent work in preparation for final meeting in December
Chair: Briant Kelly
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Solicit additional Business & Law Firm Partners
- Who can Board Members recommend and connect Committee members with?
- Who can members recommend and connect Committee members with?
- Create a script/talking points for connecting with potential Business & Law Firm Partners
- Connect with potential Business & Law Firm Partners at annual AASPA Conference
- Visit all Partners at IASPA Annual Conference
Meeting Frequency: 3 virtual meetings: September, December, March
Chair: Phil Georgia
Co-Chair: Eric Melnyczenko
Primary Focus:
- Create an annual calendar/review the annual calendar for Committee work
- Drive people to the IASPA website
- Encourage member use of IASPA Connect
- Review the IASPA & AASPA websites regularly; recommend updates for IASPA website
Meeting Frequency: 4 meetings per year: March, June, September, December
Click Here for Committee Involvement Form
Additional Committees to Join
Annual Conference Planning Committee
Chair: Kendra Asbury
This committee helps shape the Professional Development for HR Professionals throughout the state. The Annual Conference occurs in January.
Meeting Frequency: Monthly from June-January
HR Essentials Planning Committee
Chair: Mel Fisher
This committee helps shape the Professional Development geared towards HR Support Staff throughout the state. The event occurs in September.
Meeting Frequency: Monthly from April-September, as needed closer to the event
Professional Associate Network Committee
Chair: Debby Marquardt
The IASPA Professional Associate Network (PAN) is designed specifically for IASPA Professional Associate Members. The PAN is here to provide support for, allow collaboration with, and serve as a resource for fellow HR colleagues.
Meeting Frequency: Quarterly
Webinar Wednesday Committee
Chair: Danielle Carter
Co-Chair: Scott Bramley
Webinar Wednesdays provide valuable information for members of the HR Office and often Business Office. Topics of interest and current topics are presented each month and are free to all IASPA members.
Meeting Frequency: 1-2 times a month