Chambers Color Headshot Oct 2023

Dr. Kimberly Chambers,  pHCLE
Executive Director


The Director of Human Resources at Stevenson High School District 125 in Lincolnshire, IL, Kim was a founding member of IASPA. She has continuously served on the IASPA Board since the organization’s inception in a variety of capacities including: President, Nominations Chairperson, Secretary, and Member-At-Large. Kim spearheaded the creation of HR Essentials, our annual workshop.

In addition to her work with IASPA, Kim has served as an elected member of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA) Board in the role of Recording Secretary. She has held various leadership positions with AASPA including Nominations Chairperson, Recognitions Chairperson, and Legislative & Governmental Chairperson.

Kim is a 2018 AASPA Herb S. Salinger Personnel Administrator of the Year award winner, the highest award given by the national organization to an individual. 

You may know Kim as a presenter at both our state and national conferences, or you may recognize her as a mentor to newer Human Resources Administrators. Kim truly enjoys working with and supporting HR professionals.

Lindsay Jonas
Director of Professional Development, Partnerships, & Planning


Lindsay began her career in school Human Resources in 2021 after a long career in a variety of roles that always had a connection to talent acquisition and development.  A 25+ year educator, she has served public education as Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Director of Professional Development, Principal, and Teacher, in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. 

Lindsay has been actively involved in IASPA and AASPA for the past several years serving on several committees for both IASPA and AASPA. She has presented at Webinar Wednesdays and both the State and National conference on the topics of Evaluation, HR Transition planning,  Feedback and Staff discipline. Lindsay is excited to continue to stay connected to the profession via her work with IASPA as Director of Professional Development, Partnerships, & Planning.

Dr. Dale Fisher, eHCLE, CSBO, SPHR
Director of Operations


Dale is the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources in Deerfield Public Schools District 109 and has been an active member of IASPA for over a decade. He has served in multiple leadership roles, including Treasurer, Member-at-Large, and President, and remains deeply engaged with the Mentoring and Wednesday Webinar Committee.

Dale has also been an elected member of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA), where he served as both the Region 2 Representative and President.

Each year, Dale shares his expertise by presenting at the annual IASPA conference and has delivered multiple sessions at the HR Essentials conference. However, he feels most at home in his HR role when mentoring and supporting emerging K-12 HR leaders within the IASPA community.

Jessica Weir
Executive Assistant - PD & Communications


Jessica Weir will be your point of contact when you have questions regarding the website, PD registration, IASPA This Week, Business & Law Firm Partnerships, and everything IASPA! 

Mel Fisher
Executive Assistant - Membership & Association Support


Mel Fisher is an HR Coordinator at Stevenson High School and will be your point of contact when you have questions regarding membership options, open invoices, association support, and everything IASPA!