Organization Overview

eFMLA is a customer-centered company founded in 2009 to enable employers to facilitate the administration of federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 through an online, electronic, paperless process. eFMLA’s SaaS software solution enables employers to manage FMLA leaves, as well as State family medical leaves, parental leave, disability accommodation leave, and employer-sponsored paid or unpaid leaves in one seamless system. The only fully electronic system in the United States, eFMLA facilitates FMLA and other leave management with the following tools:
- Electronic leave request form
- Customizable FMLA Notices
- Electronic delivery of FMLA Notices and Forms
- Online tracking of FMLA leave usage and balances
- Certification due and return-to-work reminders to employees
- Unlimited online data management
- Expert FMLA advice and support
- 24/7 Secure Access
eFMLA staff are nationally recognized as experts in FMLA administration best practices, and have over 30 years of professional experience in human resource management, developing online database systems, analysis, and hosting.
Scott Macdonald
Scott Macdonald Vice President
IASPA Logo Business Partner - Bronze

Primary Service Offered
FMLA Leave Administration