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Administrator Academy

AA #3993 Employee Discipline in the K-12 Setting- April 2025 - ONLINE

AA 3993 Employee Discipline in the K-12 Setting

Friday, April 25, 2025
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CDT)

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40 Seats Remaining

Course Details:
This course provides K-12 HR Administrators with strategies to examine current HR processes to identify opportunities for reviewing contract language, conducting employee investigations, and crafting letters of reprimand through the lens of progressive discipline. The presenters will share successful strategies and instruct participants on how to create and implement similar strategies in their respective district to ensure compliance with contract language, school code, employee law, and best practices.

Participants will come prepared with a reflective review of current contract language specific to discipline, employee rights, investigations, and possible grievance procedures within their current HR paradigm and will engage in the creation of discipline procedural templates, interview question constructs, and sample letters of reprimand.  Participants will become fluent in the nuances of investigation procedures, just cause provisions, due process, and progressive discipline standards supported through case law. This is an excellent session for both new and veteran Human Resources administrators.

Dr. Dale Fisher
Asst Supt for HR at Deerfield SD 109
Dr. Danielle Carter
Asst Supt of HR at Grayslake CHSD 127

HCLE Standards Alignment:

Talent Development/Performance Management

2. Train evaluators to accurately differentiate performance and use results to inform decision-making.

3. Promote workplace policies.

4. Address employee discipline issues.

Dale’s greatest passion is fostering and growing individual relationships to bring forth the best in each and every organization he serves. He feels this passion is best matched in his current role as the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources in Deerfield Public Schools District 109 in Deerfield, IL.  On his leadership journey, he has built a unique skillset in human capital leadership that spans twenty-three years in public education; including serving as a middle school science teacher, assistant principal, principal, and executive director.
Dale is ardent about sharing what he has learned and supporting his peers. He actively serves on the Executive Board for AASPA, while making numerous presentations at the annual conference over the years. He is also very active with IASPA, the State of Illinois affiliate.  He served two terms as Treasurer of the organization, a term as Member-at-Large, a term as President, and is now the Fiscal Services coordinator.  Each year he taps into his knowledge base to share and present at both their annual IASPA conference and at the HR Essentials conference, designed for support staff.
Dale holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Cardinal-Stritch University, a Doctorate in Education from Loyola University of Chicago.  In addition to his Illinois licensure, Dale also holds licensure in the State of Wisconsin, is a certified Chief School Business Official and was one of the first K-12 HR leaders to earn both the coveted pHCLE and eHCLE certification while also maintaining his SPHR certification.
Dale is most at-home in his HR role when he is mentoring a number of burgeoning HR leaders in the greater Chicagoland area.

People are Danielle’s jam.  She is laser-focused on effective communication to build and foster strong relationships with all stakeholders to ensure the District is engaging in critical conversations that move the needle on student growth and achievement, as well as employee satisfaction. Danielle is the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources in Grayslake Community High School District 127 in Grayslake, IL. Danielle began her career as a special education teacher, then moved into special education administration before pivoting into human resources six years ago.  She has dedicated twenty years to education.  
Danielle is passionate about networking and learning in the educational field.  She is an active member of IASPA as the chair for the Webinar Wednesday and Administrative Academy Committee.  She is also the secretary on the Board of Mother’s Trust Foundation whose sole mission is to give back to the children and families in need who live within the Lake County, IL boundaries. 
Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Special Education from Northern Illinois University, a Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership from Aurora University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northern Illinois University.  Danielle also holds the pHCLE certification.

Registration Options

Credits Price
AA #3993 - Member Rate- 24/25
Member Rate for Administrator Academy Registration Ends 4/24/25 at 11:00 PM CDT
AA #3993 - Non Member Rate- 24-25
Non member rate Registration Ends 4/24/25 at 11:00 PM CDT

For More Information:

Lindsay Jonas
Lindsay Jonas
Director Professional Development, Partnerships & Pl... Illinois Association of School Personnel Administrators (847)323-1855


IASPA's Cancellation Policy:

Registration cancellations received one week before the event will be refunded less a $50 processing fee.  Cancellations received after one week before the event cannot be refunded.  Refunds are not granted for failure to attend, late arrivals, or early departures.  IASPA is not responsible for national, state, or local travel restrictions; medical or weather-related cancellations;  or airfare, hotel, or other costs associated with registration.  Requests for cancellation must be received by Jessica Weir at by April 18, 2025.