Job Board

IASPA's Job Board features current and anticipated openings specific to central office positions in Human Resources and Business Services, and District Administrative positions (Principal, Assistant/Associate Principal, etc.). 

Job Posts will include:

  • District Information - district name, location, website, contact person
  • Employment Information - start date, salary range, TRS/IMRF, position category (administrator, supervisor, support staff, etc.)
  • Direct link to the open position on the school district's website

Cost to post:

Member cost - $50 for a 30-day posting
Non-Member cost - $150 for a 30-day posting

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Community Industry Job Board

Principal at Prairie-Hills SD 144

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Asst Supt of Finance & Operations, CSBO at Prairie-Hills SD 144

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Payroll/AP Coordinator at Mannheim SD 83

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Payroll Specialist at SD 41

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Principal at Lincoln SD 156

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Director of Human Resources at Joliet PSD 86

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Benefits Coordinator at St. Charles CUSD 303

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Human Resources Manager at Berwyn North SD 98

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Asst Supt for Business and Financial Services/CSBO at Joliet PSD 86

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Principal at Cicero SD 99

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